فخر الدين للعقارات

الأخبار والمدونات

WETEX 2024

Oct 09, 2024 Views 3119

منشور من طرف : فخر الدين للعقارات


Fakhruddin Properties at WETEX 2024: Leading the Way in Sustainable Real Estate Solutions


We are proud to announce our participation in the Water, Energy, Technology, and Environment Exhibition (WETEX) 2024, taking place from October 1-3 in Dubai. Organized by the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA). This prestigious event is a global platform for showcasing the latest innovations in sustainability and clean energy.


Follow our WETEX Journey (link to WETEX page)


We will be showcasing a variety of innovations in sustainable real estate development as well as Treppan Living Branded Residences, a lifestyle ecosystem designed to benefit individuals, communities, and the planet. Fakhruddin Properties has aligned itself with the sustainable vision of the UAE government. Our presence at WETEX 2024 reflects our dedication to environmental stewardship and our ongoing efforts to integrate cutting-edge automation technologies and renewable energy solutions into our projects.

Our approach towards sustainability is reflected in the projects that Fakhruddin Properties would be showcasing at WETEX. These projects incorporate Treppan Living, a lifestyle ecosystem that is built on the concepts of sustainability, wellness and technology. Treppan Living focuses on creating an infrastructure that enables and encourages actions that are good for individuals, communities and the planet. Meet us at WETEX to experience this concept.

The visitors would be delighted by the surprises we have for them. They will be greeted by an A.I. robot who serves as our representative for the event. We also have new developments to showcase and concepts to reveal. Visitors can expect an engaging experience, featuring an array of innovative projects and technologies that embody our sustainable vision.

We would also be presenting our views on the concepts of Sustainable Luxury and Positive Zero in the keynote speeches by Dr Samiullah Khan (C.S.O. of Fakhruddin Properties). He will also be a part of a panel discussion on Urban development & creating sustainable, livable and resilient cities.

Fakhruddin Properties looks forward to forging new partnerships with local and international organizations to further strengthen our position as a pioneer in sustainable real estate.

We invite you to join us at WETEX 2024 as we lead the way in building a sustainable future. Together, we can make meaningful strides towards creating a resilient and environmentally friendly world for generations to come.

Meet us at WETEX to experience alignment of sustainability, wellness and technology in a lifestyle ecosystem.

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